Does my Client need Vend?

Vend is a Point of Sale system (POS) most often used in retail businesses. Your client can use it to sell items in their shop via a desktop computer, PC or Mac, or via an iPad.
All products are listed on a screen that can also have photos so it is easy to choose what is being sold, alternately Vend can be used with barcodes and a scanner.
Vend works with many of the leading EFTPOS merchant providers, if your client wants to accept credit, debit and gift cards. There are also a variety of sales types such as layby and split payments.
Vend is able to work offline if your client’s internet fails, data will resync once the connection is back online.
Vend has an inventory component, so your client can easily keep track of their products and manage their stock levels as well as report on what is selling and what is not.
Customers are well catered for in Vend. Your client will be able to set up a loyalty program for their customers so they can start to focus on repeat business. They can keep customer details and track what their best customers are purchasing.
Vend integrates beautifully with Xero, data entered into Vend will flow through to Xero with no rekeying. No chance of miskeying and better data integrity. Your client will be able to have real time, online access to their data wherever they are.
CloudIntegation.Partners can help you and your client work out if this program is right for your client. It won’t suit everyone and there may be a better solution, we have the expertise to know this. Contact us at CloudIntegration.Partners and see how we can help!
If you would like to read more about how SMB worked with Vend to help a client, here is a case study that Vend did with Dubbo fashion retailer, Mary & Me